Issue: transportation

We need a system of guaranteed healthcare that prioritizes the well being of working-class Americans over the profits of insurance companies and their billionaire executives. We need a single, universal system with comprehensive coverage that is free at the point of service. We need to build a health justice movement to save lives. Medicare for All provides the model for a society based on solidarity and caregiving, which re-directs resources and establishes healthcare as a public good.


Medicare for All

Cancel Medical Debt


Abdul El-Sayed

Bernie Sanders

California Nurses Association

Cathy Kennedy

Death Panel Podcast

Debs-Jones-Douglass Institute

Democratic Socialists of America - Health Workers Collective

DSA Medicare for All


Health Care for All Oregon

Health Care for All Washington


Healthy California Now

International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers

Jimmy Dore

Kenneth Zinn

Labor Campaign for Single-Payer Health Care

Massachusetts Peace Action


Michael Lighty

Minnesota Nurses Association

National Nurses United

NYC DSA Healthcare Working Group

Physicians for a National Health Care Program

Pramila Jayapal

Progressive Democrats of America

Public Citizen

Railroad Workers United

Sandy Eaton

Solomon Rajput

Tim Faust

United Steelworkers

Western Massachusetts Medicare for All